sexual desire

美 [ˈsekʃuəl dɪˈzaɪər]英 [ˈsekʃuəl dɪˈzaɪə(r)]
  • 性欲
sexual desiresexual desire


a desire for sexual intimacy
Synonym: eros concupiscence physical attraction


  1. Many women in this stage haven 't felt any sexual desire for a long time .


  2. Low but constant sexual desire , good sexual energy , devoted , many children .


  3. Illegal activities designed to stimulate sexual desire .


  4. The logistic regression analysis showed that semen quality and sexual desire of exposed group significantly reduced .


  5. A deep feeling of sexual desire and attraction .


  6. And medical experts say it can affect the mental health of women by interfering with normal sexual desire .


  7. Eros-love between man and woman , sexual desire , never used in NT .


  8. On Consumption Tendency and Marketing Implications of Latent Needs ; tending to diminish sexual desire .


  9. Thirdly , it is the influence of view of confining sexual desire from different religious sects ;


  10. The feature of human is not abstract form any more but the living body filled with sexual desire and modern feelings .


  11. I used to be very ashamed of my own sexual desire , but now I no longer am .


  12. Self-indulgent sexual desire ( personified as one of the deadly sins ) .


  13. If a woman is forward and aggressive about sexual desire she is pooled into the bad girl category automatically .


  14. It 's colloquial wisdom that an air of mystery increases sexual desire , and research bears that notion out .


  15. Tending to diminish sexual desire .


  16. In real life , it manifests itself as an attitude toward women , treating them as objects of sexual desire instead of thinking individuals .


  17. Last year the Food and Drug Administration approved the drug , flibanserin , making it the first drug available to treat low sexual desire in women .


  18. The novel Bailu Plain exposes the natural sexual desire of different people behind the traditional ethics and morality of Chinese sexual culture which are so serious and turbid .


  19. Wildness is not only the source of evils and dangers , but also the Eden of sexual desire where the flowers of civilization bloom .


  20. But no matter what a love story , a topic of the past are not around in depicting the love , how to write for both men and women on sexual desire .


  21. The life theme in the Folk Songs of The BOOK OF SONGS is embodied in three respects : outlook on life and death based on life itself , materialism and pursuit of sexual desire , and fatalism .


  22. This part mainly discusses four aspects as the following : revelries on material desire and sexual desire , poetic narrative of common customs , aesthetic consideration on modern city life , dialectical interaction between elite thoughts and civilian ideas .


  23. In addition , conscious choice truly have the problem solving strategy of variety of sexual desire , encourage students learning tasks to explore , guess , conjecture and demonstration own solution , also need teacher have found and actively building knowledge teaching .


  24. Its body narration which conducted in three dimensions of the secret female physiological psychological experience , the sexual desire and the consciousness of death gave a shock to the traditional rational literature and found its own spiritual space at the same time .


  25. While lust is a temporary passionate sexual desire involving the increased release of chemicals such as testosterone and oestrogen , in true love , or attachment and bonding , the brain can release a whole set of chemicals : pheromones , dopamine , norepinephrine , serotonin , oxytocin and vasopressin .


  26. The desire in the thesis refers to sexual passion or desire .


  27. ( psychoanalysis ) a Freudian term for sexual urge or desire .


  28. In her works vanity , selfishness , jealousy , sexual passion and desire for wealth are profoundly revealed .


  29. Ideologues blame it on fickleness that comes from social-climbing , gold-digging , unsatisfied sexual or romantic desire .


  30. Among 228 polyps patients in sexual maturity without desire of fertility , 53 cases underwent polypectomy with electrosurgical vaporization , and 175 cases did polypectomy with endometrial resection .
